Meal Prep|Breakfast

I don’t mind repeating the same meal. Especially when it comes to breakfast. Since oatmeal is quick and easy, why not meal prep enough for the entire week?

Maybe you have seen the overnight oats stored in mason jars? What I do is kind of the same using portion size glass containers I got at TJ Maxx. I make enough oats to last me for the work week, add in fruit and spices, bring to a boil and that’s it. This takes all of 10 - 15 minutes (maybe). And while it is cooking, I switch out the laundry or wipe down the counter tops. Who says we can’t multitask?

1 1/2 cups of oats + 3 cups of water + fruit + pumpkin spices + nuts/seeds

After the oatmeal has cooled off, I add nuts and seeds to up the nutritional value and then store it in portion size containers. Simple right? My future self thanks my past self for my meal prep foresight. So worth it.

Sometimes I don’t have alternative milk on hand, and honestly the oats by themselves add a nice creamy texture to the water without it. Adding a banana helps with this as well and adds that potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium and fiber this 50+ gal needs.

Tip: Got toe cramps? Add a banana to your daily diet! If you don’t like the taste, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Mornings for me these days are very intentional. It’s a slow and gentle wake up that I promised I would do for myself many moons ago (when my kids were little and waking up at the crack of dawn). I make a cup of tea and crawl right back into my fluffy comfy bed. It’s wonderful! Showering and getting dressed are left to the very last. There is some organizing the night before that helps. If I can extend my time in bed a bit longer by making my breakfast ahead of time… I’m all for it!


Sunday Reset|Basics


Ramen at Alkaline