2024: Looking Back & Planning Ahead

Before I can start my 2025 goals…

it might be a good idea to look back at the year before.

I have a 30 minute commute to and from work which has become a great opportunity for me to listen to an audio book or podcast. As of late, I’ve been listening to The Mel Robbins Podcast. One in particular got my attention.

How to Make 2024 the Best Year: 6 Questions to Ask Yourself

Even though this was broadcasted over a year ago, the questions and the stories Mel shared…got me.

The questions:

  1. What are the highlights of your year?

  2. What are the harder aspects of the past year for you?

  3. What did you learn about yourself over the past 12 months?

  4. What are the things you want to stop doing and not bring into the next year?

  5. What do you want to continue doing in the next year?

  6. What do you want to start doing for real in the coming year? What really matters to you?

I won’t go into detail about my goals. That is something I have learned not to share too much of. I will, however, share some of the highlights.

What Did I Do Last Year?

How well do we remember the past year? Shoot! I have a hard time remembering what I did last week let alone an entire year. Mel recommends that you grab your phone and go through your photo roll.

Looking back through the photo roll, I realized just how big 2024 was for me.


  • I got promoted. I had known for a few weeks. The back story is the morning walked in, I was offered the position. I had told my son that I was ready to move out of state and that I was going to come up with an exit strategy. That evening as I walked home, I was in a daze because the offer changed everything. Funny how we can make the plans, but God has other ideas.


  • I spent this month trying to learn my new job. I had to push through a lot of mind noise and remind myself that I could do it. I would not have been asked if my boss didn’t think I was a right fit.

  • Saw the live performance of Shen Yun.


  • My divorce was final. After scrimping and saving and dealing with all that comes with a divorce, it was finally over. I remember the first attorney I went to. Oof. What a complete and total jerk. I left that consultation deflated. Thinking back on that now, it was a year almost to the day of my divorce. I am so glad I listened to the advice of a dear friend and found another attorney.


  • Took a girls trip to NYC. The last time I had been was when I was 7 years old. When we stepped out of the station, I looked up and felt right at home. I am a big city girl at heart which is why I moved where I am currently. It’s like a small slice of NYC but cleaner, less noisy, and definitely more chill.

The day we took the train up the earthquake shook the city and we joked that they knew we were coming! On the way back there was a solar eclipse. What a way to start and end a trip.


  • I paid off a $20,000 debt incurred during our marriage. My credit took a hit over this one and I consider it a tithe in more ways than one.


  • I sold the car I couldn’t drive (there’s a story) and bought a car I felt I deserved to have.

  • Took a dolphin watching boat tour.


  • Moved out of my quirky old beach cottage apartment. I wanted to start fresh and got rid of most of what I had. This was the last of the things from my past that I was glad to move on from.

    Getting that apartment was huge for me. I got it sight unseen. Moving in was easy. The only piece of furniture I had was an air mattress and a box from my portable washer that I used as a table of sorts.


  • Spent most of this month putting together furniture (okay maybe my son did that part) and learning my new town.


  • Watched the performance of Les Miserables.


  • Back to NYC but this time with my youngest son. Our first stop was to find a place to get a New York Style pizza. We watched Aladdin on Broadway, were awed by the Statue of Liberty, stepped out on The Edge, walked the Brooklyn Bridge up and back, visited Ground Zero, and geeked out at the Nintendo Store…love!


  • Went to my first Opera - Carmen.

  • Took a business trip down to Orlando (more fun than business).


  • Watched the movie Wicked.

  • And attended a dinner night cruise.

I didn’t realize just how much I had done until I took the time to review the past year. What about you? How was your 2024? Plans for 2025? I would love to hear your thoughts.

(this is my subtle way of asking you to leave a comment…)

That Girl List

Back in 2023, I made a That Girl List. It is a list of goals, habits and activities that represent the life you wish to see happen. I think I nailed some pretty big things on my list and a few I had not even thought of.


Sunday Reset|Basics